
to Nurture Your Soul
Forest Bathing

Evidence-based research confirms that time in nature has profound healing benefits for physical and emotional wellbeing. Nature and your true nature come to know each other. The forest is the therapist…the guide opens the doors.

Restorative Yoga

A passive healing practice where the body is fully supported by bolsters, blocks and blankets facilitating a state of deep relaxation. The nervous system calms and healing can take place. Being more while doing less.

Personal Journeying

Transformational journeying for individuals. You will end up exactly where you are meant to be, and you won’t walk alone. You’ll develop a warm-hearted connected presence with yourself, find and lean into your most authentic life.

Wellness Experiences

Experiences blending magical combinations of Forest Therapy, Restorative Yoga, Personal Journeying, Mindful Self-Compassion, Meditation, Reiki and Sacred Sound. Customized with purpose and curiosity to ensure each individual or group receives exactly what they need.

kind words